Gracie Medical Defense™

Free Women's Self-Defense Seminar
A free workplace safety and self-defense seminar for healthcare professionals.

Medical professionals are 5x more likely to experience violence than other workers, and 44% of registered nurses have experienced physical violence. Health care workers put themselves on the line everyday, while rarely receiving the support and resources they need to stay safe at work.

Gracie University in partnership with She Can Be Both™ will be offering a free workplace safety and self-defense seminar for all medical professionals from 10am-1pm on Sunday, June 12, 2022, in Torrance, California.

This 3-hour seminar is specifically designed for those in the medical industry and will cover scenarios specific to your workplace safety needs. No experience is necessary, but space is limited, so you must pre-register. Please spread the word to your colleagues!

While there are many forms of workplace violence, in this seminar, some of the topics we will cover are:

  • How to disengage from a patient who is trying to control you
  • How to defend against strangulation
  • How to neutralize a patient who may resort to striking you with a fist or blunt object
  • How to defend against someone who has taken you to the ground and is striking you
  • Ways to stay safe when stuck in close quarters until backup help arrives
  • Safety strategies when arriving or leaving work
  • Methods for safe intervention when a colleague is being assaulted

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Has this ever been done? No, this is the first time a personal safety seminar has been offered exclusive to medical professionals by the Gracie Family. We've been teaching civilians and law enforcement in the U.S. for three decades and are excited to share the highly effective, non-violent techniques of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu with medical professionals.
  2. What should I wear? Most medical professionals wear the same uniform to work each day. To ensure that the techniques we teach you are easy and comfortable in your typical attire, we invite you to wear your work uniform to the seminar. If you're not comfortable wearing your work uniform, you may wear comfortable workout attire instead.
  3. Do I need any experience? No, one of the things that makes Gracie Jiu-Jitsu such an amazing and effective self-defense system is that there are no physical pre-requisites. Anyone can do it, and we can always modify the techniques to accommodate any physical limitations that might exist in our students.
  4. Do I need to bring water? You may bring your own bottle, but Gracie University has drinking fountains if you don't have your own bottle.
  5. What if I want to learn more? We're doing this free seminar as a way to give back to the healthcare community, and as a way to gauge interest in the long-term viability of this type of program. If the seminar is a success, there is a high probability that we will rollout a course that makes this program available at medical centers and hospitals nationwide. We will also offer a discounted training package for those who reside locally and wish to continue to training at Gracie University.
  6. What if I really want to attend, but I'm nervous about trying something new? Totally natural. Our recommendation is that you do whatever it takes to show up to the seminar and then let us take care of it from there. Your degree of participation is 100% up to you, so if you just want to watch, that's fine with us. Our hope is that through our compassionate training environment, safety protocols and teaching methods, we will earn your trust and you will feel comfortable participating.
  7. Is this a women's only seminar? No. All healthcare professionals are invited to attend.

If you're really excited to learn some highly-effective personal safety techniques and principles that will help you stay safer at work, click the button below and we'll see you on June 12!